Your guide to buying meat

Mutton, Kazakhstani lamb meat, Australian Goat meat, baby lamb or veal, or beef– consumers in Dubai are extra careful and wise when shopping for meat. You can get your hands on one of the best and most popular kinds of meat available owing to their delectable taste in meat shops across UAE. However, the taste of the meat will largely be affected by its quality and freshness. If you’re planning to shop for some meat for tonight’s dinner or for the weekend, here are some tips to help ensure that you get fresh and great-tasting meat.

  1. Locate a butchery that offers whole-animal slaughtering. Whether or not a butcher shop specializes in grass-fed and pastured meat, they are aware of the origins of their meat. Whole-animal butchery is extremely difficult; if someone makes the effort, there's a good chance they'll be a better butcher overall.
  1. Purchase meat that has been properly hung. Beef that hasn't undergone rigor mortis and hasn't been dry-aged for 14 days after being slaughtered will be tough. It won't have a good flavor if it's been wet-aged because the moisture can't dissipate. During the hanging stage, a correctly hung carcass loses 15–20% of its weight, which really concentrates its flavor. This justifies why dry-aged meat is costlier but also desirable.
  1. Visual examination is crucial. The first thing you should do is inspect the meat for any indications of spoilage. The color of fresh meat should be bright and vibrant. There is a possibility that the meat is not fresh if the color appears to be a little faded. The color of the meat may vary depending on the specific cut or section from which it was sourced, but no matter what, it should always be a rich, vibrant color. Additionally, search for any signs of spots and discoloration. These may indicate either poor handling or aging of the meat.
  1. Use your senses. It's crucial to use your senses of touch, and smell while buying meat and poultry. Always ensure that the meat is solid to the touch and inspect the package for any rips, holes, or extra moisture. Additionally, it should be odorless and chilly to the touch.
  1. Ask your butcher! Take advantage of the meat specialist who is right there behind the counter. Ask your butcher for advice if you're unsure about any part of the meat. They can give you tips on what to look for, the best cuts of meat for your recipe, which meat is freshest in the market, and how to cook it, and they can even give you a discount if you purchase a significant amount of it!

If you’re looking for fresh and excellent lamb or wanna Buy beef online Dubai, please feel free to get in touch with us at (contact #) or visit our shop.


